AKCP Develops COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Monitoring

AKCPBlog, Press Releases

AKCP Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery Monitoring Solution

The COVID-19 vaccines coming from Pfizer and Moderna both require storage and transportation at low temperatures. The Pfizer vaccine is at -70°C +/- 10°C whereas Moderna requires -20°C. Both can be transferred to standard medical refrigerators for short periods of time. The latest COVID-19 vaccine to be announced from AstraZeneca requires less extreme temperatures and can be transported in the 2°C to 8°C range.

AKCP, the world’s oldest and largest supplier of network-enabled sensors has turned their years of experience in professional sensor solutions to the pharma industry through the development of a COVID-19 vaccine delivery monitoring system. With so much at stake in terms of the cost of vaccines and the efficacy of the immunization, AKCP has developed a complete end-to-end monitoring solution. Battery-powered sensors, based on their Wireless Tunnel™ technology connect with gateways placed at strategic locations throughout the cold chain. Track vaccines from bulk shipments to an individual vial.

Centralized monitoring and tracking of vaccines through the AKCPro Server for Pharma-Mon. A user-friendly drag and drop interface allows the user to visualize vaccine shipments. Split bulk shipments into smaller batches right through to individual vaccine vials in medical refrigerators.

AKCPro Pharma-Mon Server for COVID-19 vaccine monitoring

Pharma-Mon Server creates daily reports and graphs. These replace the manual process of noting the temperature at specific times of day on a chart. Reports are digitally signed and in compliance with the 21 CFR Part 11 regulations issued by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA)

AKCP thermistor sensors are used for monitoring COVID-19 vaccine shipments at low temperatures down to -100°C. When in short-term storage at clinics monitoring medical refrigerators in the 2°C to 8°C AKCP NIST4 sensors are deployed. The sensor features 4x calibrated, NIST traceable temperature sensors working in pairs. The values are averaged for greater accuracy. The sensor features AKCP’s innovative calibration integrity check. The values from each sensor are compared and if found to be greater than +/- 1°C the values from that pair are ignored. An alarm is then raised that the sensor is out of calibration.

Wireless Tunnel NIST2 Sensor

Once the sensor is activated, it will continuously log data internally. When the Wireless Tunnel™ Gateway is in range, data will be uploaded to AKCP Pharma-Mon Server. Gateways can be installed in warehouses, pharmacies, or delivery vehicles. Real-Time Tracking and alerts when temperature excursions are imminent. Notifications are via e-mail or SMS messaging and enable action to be taken to avoid damage to the vaccines. Temperature data for each vaccine is graphed with the cumulative time the vaccine has spent outside a specified range recorded.

WTG Wireless Tunnel Gateway

For more details visit www.pharma-mon.com 

Pharma-Mon is a brand of AKCP, dedicated to the specific requirements of the pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical cold chain industry.

AKCPAKCP Develops COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Monitoring