Can you meassure DC current with this product?
Or it is only current AC?
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No, our CCM can only measure the AC current. You can use our BattMon sensor for measuring the DC current.
AKCP Support Team
- asfscott answered 5 months ago
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Dear AKCP Customers,
Also, we wanted to add some more useful technical details regarding our CCM. Please see below for the Q&A’s.
Question: What size of cable is supported on the CCM?
Answer: We support cables up to 12.12mm in diameter. If the cable has a larger diameter then it is incompatible with the CCM.
Question: Can the CCM measure the current of a 3-phase system?
Answer: Yes, if the cable size is compatible, then it can be measured.
Question: What is the maximum measurement from the CCM?
Answer: 20 Amps.
Question: Do you happen to have a video on how to setup and calibrate the CCM?
Answer: Yes we do, here is the link to the YouTube video:
Thank you,
AKCP Support Team
- asfscott answered 5 months ago
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