Wireless monitoring system for rapid deployment
Monitoring a medical emergency
In times of epidemic and global pandemics such as the COVID-19 virus, medical facilities and ICU wards are overloaded with patients. Temporary ICU and containment tents are deployed in hospitals ready to serve the increased demand. These isolation tents are kept at a negative pressure to prevent the escape of the virus from infected patients being treated inside.
How can AKCP help?
AKCP provides a rapid deployment, wireless based, monitoring solution that can check for proper air pressure differential and alert if the negative pressure is not maintained. Provide wireless call buttons, check that entrance and exit doors are closed, and monitor the temperature and humidity of the air inside the isolation tent. Using our proprietary wireless tunnel protocol, built on LoRa™ wireless technology we have the worlds leading wireless critical infrastructure monitoring solution.
Our Wireless Tunnel Technology is low powered, out-putting less than 1/100th the power of WiFi and cellphone. It is perfectly safe for use within medical facilities.
Centralized Monitoring
Monitor your complete solar panel system from one central software. View graphs, receive daily reports, integrate live video camera feeds for visual on site reference and generate e-mail or SMS alerts if voltages or current are out of the desired parameters.