2D and 3D Visaulization
AKCPro Server software includes built-in drawing tools to quickly layout your data center floorplan, complete with containment, raised flooring, racks and CRAHs. With a click of a button convert the floorplan to 3D and visualize your data center, individual racks colored by status. Drill down to an individual rack, view installed assets, and display AKCP thermal map sensors. Implementing sensorCFD™ displays visual representation of airflow in your data center.

sensorCFD™ takes traditional computational fluid dynamics, and adds the ability to constrain the model with live sensor data. The perfect visualization tool for identifying problem areas in your data center.
Rack Maps
Drill down to individual racks and display assets contained in the racks, available U’s, power overhead and installed sensors. This useful visualization tool for capacity planning or troubleshooting hotspots.
sensorCFD™ is a free add-on for AKCPro Server. Use it as traditional CFD modelling of your data center with predictions of performacne and airflow. Add in AKCP sensors and you have sensor constrained CFD modeling with actual values and performance data.
AKCP has a wide range of sensors. Speciality sensors for the data center include cabinet thermal maps, contactless current sensors and in-line power meters. Close integration and management of AKCP sensors with AKCPro Server gives a complete end to end monitoring solution for your data center environmental security and power needs.